Friday, January 24, 2014

Screenplay Competitions, Screenwriting Competitions, Script for Film Contests

Screenplay Competitions, Screenwriting Competitions, Script for Film Contests

Screenplay competitions can be helpful, harmful or a waste of time. Personally, I suggest only entering script competitions once you've spent at least 2 years on your first screenplay. But really, you should write 2-5 film screenplay before thinking about screenplay contest submissions.

Why? Because your competition is VERY stiff. You are competing with people on their 10th script, or writers who went to film schools, or previous contest winners, and even sometimes, professional writers who qualify. Yes, that stinks.

Plus think about the costs. Each screenplay contest is $100 or so on average and takes a year to get results.

Who do you think reads the contest scripts? MINIONS! With not much more knowledge, if not less, than yourself. Why pay an asshole to read something your friend can read for free?

Those little asshole readers may not like the first 2 pages of your script, so they won't read it. Or they do a "skim" - take 3-5 minutes and read a few pages throughout to get an idea of what the script is about.

Competitions are growing, and they are around to make money - just like every other illusion in the film BUSINESS.

I don't believe in contests. I believe in writing screenplay after screenplay until you have something to bring to agents, directors, actors and producers. Or making the screenplay yourself.

It's hard to convey tone and style on paper - so many readers will not understand your vision. even if your screenplay is professionally formatted with a great story.