THE SPEC SCRIPT: how to write and sell a screenplay
A spec script is the term given to a script written on the speculation that the movie screenplay will sell. To be blunt, the spec script game is like playing the lottery. There are millions of specs floating around offices and mailrooms. Even a proven writer, actor, director and producer will have a tough time raising money for their own spec scripts. Let that soak in, then think about all the no-namers and beginners trying to compete with them! This is just the reality of the business.
There are a lot of stories about script writers selling their spec scripts for 250 thousand to a few million dollars, but this is extremely rare. I stress, this is extremely rare. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t shoot for the stars, but you should focus more energy on the concept of building a career rather than selling your one-shot script so you can retire.
Look at your first few spec screenplays first as learning tools, second as marketing tools. These spec scripts are your calling cards. An agent will want to see 2 or 3 before even considering representing your screenplays or you as a work for hire screenwriter.