Thursday, November 15, 2012

Screenwriting Book for Beginners

Screenwriting Book for Beginners

Buy Screenwriting books The Bare Bones Book of Screenwriting uses a 'let's-get-down-to-brass-tacks' approach to screenwriting concentrating on the foundation of essential creative, technical and business principles in the market. Written in a simple, straight-forward witty style by a professional in the field, The Bare Bones Book of Screenwriting is a treasure chest for anyone interested in the screenwriting trade. "The perfect guide for new script writers. Sharp prose and practical advice in simple English with all the nuts, bolts, and screws you'll need." (Academy Award winning producer, West Bank Story).

For teens, film and college students and beginners of all ages, this easy to understand, basic filmmaking and screenplay resource provides screenplay format, story and business examples and help, including script format, screenplay outlines, story, character, dialogue, structure, plot, selling a screenplay, agents and managers, working with producers, directors and actors and much more. An all in one guide to writing screenplays that sell. Film school is expensive. This 101 page book will teach the screenwriter the correct format and storytelling rules, tricks and mistakes to avoid when writing your first, second or third screenplay.

Any genre writer can benefit from this resource as it walks the reader through creating a professional industry standard formatted Hollywood screenplay to attract literary or television/film agents and filmmakers. Non WGA and WGA members in TV and film (features, series, animation, comics, short films) use this book for help during outlining and writing screenplays or TV series scripts.